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Cooking up Success: How Ascentium Helped this Chef Finance his Dream Kitchen

October 18, 2021  - Customer ReviewsRestaurant
cooking up success - how Ascentium helped this chef finance his dream commercial kitchen

Renowned Chef Terry Craig and his wife Laura opened their first Jalapeño Inferno restaurant in Scottsdale in 1999 and have grown to be one of the valley’s most respected and recognized names for high quality, authentic Mexican food. Their focus on superior customer service and the quintessential Mom and Pop family-friendly atmosphere keeps guests coming back for more of their award winning Mexican and Sonoran cuisine.

After 20 years in business, what was once a $1 million per year revenue location quadrupled to $4 million per year with capacity for 400 guests! This success brought opportunities to open new locations. When the established entrepreneurs sought to expand into a new market area, Terry reached out to Ascentium Capital for help.

The ease of the process and the mechanics of doing the deal were just seamless

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Opening a restaurant is risky in any market environment, so you can imagine the challenges when trying to open a new location during the COVID-19 pandemic. Terry was looking to build his dream kitchen in the newest location and desired the latest and greatest technology. The equipment included ovens with a custom exhaust system, a fire suppression system, touch point-of-sale systems, beverage freezers, ovens, and stainless steel workstations, as well as front-of-the-house bar equipment and more.

Ascentium was able to finance everything we needed

The Craigs' proven recipe for success and Ascentium's restaurant financing enabled them to acquire all new kitchen equipment, showcase their concept, and compete in a whole new market. Deferred payment options were especially helpful with the impact to cash flow, and the newest location was opened just in time to celebrate the business’s 20th anniversary.

Ascentium allowed us to defer payments for several months

Jalapeño Inferno has grown to 3 locations, two in Scottsdale and the newest in Peoria. The original Scottsdale Road location has a unique Creekside patio for outdoor dining making it a favorite among locals and tourists. An upstairs dining room at the Market Street location boasts a “big city feel,” and the open-air Courtyard enhances the experience at Peoria. The Craig’s continue to play an active role alongside their 250 employees to ensure ongoing success.

We do everything ourselves so we need quick and easy financing



Cook up your own success with fast, flexible restaurant equipment financing and working capital loans from Ascentium Capital. Whether you’re expanding your operations, renovating existing locations or upgrading equipment, our customizable finance programs can help!

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